9lessons Programming Blog - Tutorials about Angular, ReactJS, PHP, MySQL and Web Development
Monday, October 03, 2016

React Webpack Heroku Youtube Instant Search Working with APIs Tutorial

I already have discussed about React JS in my previous posts. Today, lets see advanced way of using React JS, webpack and ES6 with Node.js to build and run your application. Let’s see what webpack and ES6 does. ES6 (ECMAScript6) is the latest version of javascript that has number of new features to write your javascript code easily. Webpack is mainly designed for larger applications to build the application. The main idea behind webpack/ES6 is code splitting. It allows you to write Javascript as a modularized code, so that you can re-use and share the code to maintain your project over-time.

React Webpack Heroku Youtube Instant Search Tutorial

Sunday, August 28, 2016

FileGator: A Look into The Powerful PHP File Management Tool.

Forget the times of ‘There’s an app for that’, PHP scripts are now all the rage! Everyone wants to build their own little something special on the internet and mark their territory. With what we are witnessing on the internet front has been pretty moving and compelling enough to push us to try a few things ourselves. Thinking of file-sharing service for your friends, family, colleagues or business partners with all your rules? ‘There’s a script for that’!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wall Comment System with React JS Part Two

This post is continuation of React JS previous post. React JS is lighter and faster. It needs less coding and as mentioned in the earlier post, React suites best for one page application, front-end and single page websites. The article explains how to post a comment, delete a comment and also toggle(hide/show) a comment using React JS. React JS and Angular JS are two prominent frameworks in JavaScript now-a-days. As its a new series in my blog, I would appreciate for any doubts or your feedback in the comments so that I could explain it to you in a better way.

Social Network System with React JS

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Social Network System with React JS Part One

How to solve infinity loading either in your desktop or mobile? By now, everyone is familiar with JQuery, but we all know is JQuery cannot handle such large amount of data to load. React JS is the best solution for this problem. JQuery and other libraries interacts directly with DOM to load any data; but React JS is specifically designed in such a way that it has a mid interactive layer called Virtual DOM which in turn interacts with DOM(as shown in the diagram below). This Virtual DOM helps in data loading very faster.

Social Network System with React JS

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Angular JS Facebook Wall System with Multiple Bindings Tutorial

Today, I am here to introduce a new Advanced Javascript series in 9Lessons.info. Basically, I love wall system because we can cover multiple operations or features in a single web page. 9Lessons.info is most popular for its articles designed on wall system. This article is based on this wall system concept using Angular js 1.4. Future posts will be on the same concept where I will be introducing ReactJS and AngularJS 2 to 9Lessons.info. Below is the demo and hope you all enjoy this new series

Ad Blocker Detector for Blogger with JavaScript

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Backup All Your Amazon Instance Files to S3 Bucket

In our previous posts, Amazon EC2 Cloud Installation and Amazon EC2 Setup with Ubuntu and XAMPP Installation discuss how to launch virtual servers as you need, configure security and networking and manage storage. This allows you to eliminate your investment in hardware, so you can develop and deploy applications faster. AWS is used by most of the smart people in this present technical world. But any old or new application maintained in a server needs a backup, so that any unfortunate crash in the system should not lead you to be in a state of pressure of what to do next. Today’s post help you to maintain the backup of your files as per the daily basis.

Backup your Amazon Instance Files to S3 Bucket

Thursday, July 21, 2016

PixelPhone Enhance your Experience Getting Over the Default UI of your Android Smartphone

PixelPhone is an app for your Android device that replaces your default phone app to offer you a better experience. It has features that you don't usually get through your pre-installed phone & contact apps. Since its initiation some years back, the app has constantly refined and improved its features to better suit user's needs. Once you start using the app, you would not want to go back to the previous default version of your phone.

PixelPhone Enhance your Experience Getting

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ad Blocker Detector for Google Adsense with JavaScript

Advertisements are very important for any post published in internet. This is what decides the person’s revenue. But, recently adblocker system is killing revenue of the publisher because of which it also effects the creativity of that person. Today, I am providing a simple new solution for those depressed and effected persons of adblocking system. Here is a simple javascript to be included along with your website code to either hide the content of your website or show a pop-up or alert message to remove the viewers adblock plugin. Any blogger or any website management can use this code to improve your revenue of your website. This code is mainly designed for Google Adsense.

Ad Blocker Detector for Blogger with JavaScript

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Google Two Factor Authentication Login with PHP

In our previous post, explains you the login system using PHP with PDO connection. Here is an extra feature that can be added to login system for an extra layer of security. It is 2 factor authentication using Google Authenticator App for Android/iPhone. Your account could be at risk of having your password stolen. 2 step verification can protect from misuse of your account if someone have your password, because logging into your account always require a security code(this verification code is uniquely designed for your account, if you opt for verification code, an unique code is sent to your mobile for every 30-60 seconds) in the second step after you enter your password.

Google Two Factor Authentication with PHP

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