Facebook Style Wall Post Application with jQuery and Ajax.
Wall Script
Wall Script
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Facebook Style Wall Post Application with jQuery and Ajax.

Are you looking for Facebook style wall post application. It contains update, comment and delete with jquery animation effect. In this post I had combined some of my old tutorials demos in single page. Take a look at this live demo. You really like it.

Facebook Style Wall Post Application with jQuery and Ajax.

Download Script     Live Demo

Learning jQuery: Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques

Download Script Only for Email Subscribers.

web notification


  1. im a subscriber.. but i cant donwload it

  2. Srivanas i must to say... u are awesome really n.n uare the best (im the same of the first comment) xDD i really lover your site :3 greetings from spain bro'!

  3. hi strivanas! :)
    im a big fan of yours.
    You never cease to impress me, thanks!
    anyway, I'm curious about this code..could you kindly send to me the codes? thanks super!

  4. ohhh.. sorry, SRIVANAS! :) typo.

  5. hi.. thanks 4 ur nice script... iam a member but i cant able to download the script.. wat can i do?

  6. Heya, looking forward to getting your script. :) You are awesome.

  7. Oh by the way are you aware it currently has a bug in that when you post a message it doesnt show the latest message! Only when you post more than 1 message does it show the previous one. :)

  8. This is a very interesting script, I would definitely be interested in receiving it.

  9. As all the others, i'm also interested in the script! ;) Would be awesome if you could mail it to me! (florian AT gmx DOT de)

    Thanks in advance and keep up the good work! :)

  10. I'm still really interested in this script, if your only mailing it could I please get a copy at metazoid24 AT hotmail DOT com

  11. I'm interested at this script...can you send me this script? at [email protected]

  12. We are still waiting forthe script, when u will send it?

  13. Today I will send this script to all my subscribers.

  14. thank you Srinivas!

  15. I sent script to all my subscribers. If you already subscriber just mail to srinivas[at]inbox.com

  16. I sent you a mail already

  17. Hi!
    Nice script! Thanx a lot for the work !

    There's an little error for me on ... com_id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT.

    Change the . for , and it's work !

  18. create table comments
    com_id int primary key auto_increment,
    comment varchar(200),
    msg_id_fk int,
    foreign key (msg_id_fk) references messages(msg_id)

  19. Nice script Srinivas.... where can i find the download link.........

  20. I dont want that dialog box with How to remove Sure you want to delete this update? There is NO undo!

    How can I just click and delete with no question?

  21. Hi ... verry nice script , but I cant donwload ;(
    Iwe subscribed , but still cant get the script...
    Can you please send it to me : [email protected]

  22. hi... can you send me the script please..
    to : [email protected]
    thank you very much

  23. HI, I am a fan of your script, its great.
    I would like to know if the belwo is possible with yur script and how to do it.

    1. I typed a url address starting with http:// but the comment is not visible appearing as a link, which happens in facebook. how do I achieve it?

    2. I also wanted to know if the below is possible.... I have a url of am image and similarly url of a video.. so now If I type that url what should happen is that it should show me the image or the video directly after I hit the button update.... is this possible and what should I do for the same.

    request your attention to both the above queries.

  24. can i use it in asp language?
    thanks before

  25. Yes. you have to replace PHP to ASP code

  26. If you already subscriber before Nov 10th just mail me srinivas[at]inbox.com

  27. Dear Srinivas,

    First of all Thak you very much for developing such a nice script for

    Facebook Style Wall Post Application with jQuery and Ajax.

    I am a subscriber of this script and i want this script.

    Please provide me the link at



  28. My question also like Anonymous second question

    I also wanted to know if the below is possible.... I have a url of am image and similarly url of a video.. so now If I type that url what should happen is that it should show me the image or the video directly after I hit the button update.... is this possible and what should I do for the same.

    I am also getting error like below in your script while giving comment in posted article

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.' in
    D:\wamp\www\facewall\comment_ajax.php on line 8

  29. Hello Srinivas,

    First of all thank you for taking time and effort for making the script. I would like to use it and just subscribed to your RSS newsletter. Can you send it to: lou_it[at]hotmail.com. Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

    Lucas, the Netherlands

  30. im a suscriber and i want the script too, thank you. eliayertey{a}gmail.com

  31. i'm late?
    i'm a subscriber and i want the script too,
    please sent me too ^_^
    thank you ..

  32. So how do we get source codes for your posts now? Must we ask for each one individually, or am I misunderstanding something? And yes, I am an email subscriber.

    Please advise.

    Thank you.

  33. Hi Srinivas. I joined your list and I have emailed you. Any chance you could send me a copy of the scripts? Thanks in advance

  34. Hi Srinivas,

    I like your work yaar...u real done nice job here..

    Can you send me the Facebook Style Wall Post Application script to on [email protected].


  35. I'm sending this script every 3 days, before that you have to activate the email subscription

  36. Hey Can you email me the script too [email protected]

  37. hi i subscribed but how do i get ?

    its best if you use some welcome message with download link in feed burner for new subscribers :)

  38. Thanks for a great script, I will wait for the next round of mail subscribers for the script as Its non-urgent, carry on the excellent work!

  39. 7th Jan 2010.
    I subscribed. Can you send me the script plz?

  40. I have Subscribe, but i cant download... how can download this script

  41. Hi,

    that's really nice!!
    Great work, i love it.

  42. Looks great. I would like you to send me script also. I reg as user and tried to email you but it bounced back. Please Email it to me [email protected] Thanks alot from So Cal...

  43. serhatozan [@] gmail.com, i need you to send me your script too :) thanks.

  44. this looks great, I registered but haven't received anything. could you send to [email protected] ?

    thanks a lot m8!


  45. can you send me a copy of this script pls.. i really need it for my web application.

  46. Where is a very nice ajax download link? : )

  47. i allready subcribed, plese send me the source code. By the way , you are awesome....

  48. Hello Sunil,

    I subscribed to your blog and also mailed you regarding the script, will you please send the script, would really like work on this script.

  49. I have already subscribed to you. . . Pls send me the code. Cos this is such an excellent script. . . Pls. . . <3 :|]

  50. Hi mate im waiting too so if you could send it to: [email protected] ill be great!

  51. I've already subscribed my email , pls send me an awesome script. I'd like to try this script in my project ^_^.

  52. i have sent a mail as i am a subscriber and i would like this script too ([email protected])

  53. great script but did anyone igure out how to display the status with id?

    for example i want to display the wallpost with msg_id 16

    how do i start?

    as u noticed after refresh wall posts dissapear

  54. can anyone help with showing old update please?

  55. @hushtalk

    check this link

    old updates
    <ol id="update" class="timeline">

    $sql= mysql_query("SELECT msg,msg_id FROM messages order by msg_id desc");
    <li class="bar<?php echo $msg_id; ?>">

    <div align="left">
    <span ><?php echo $msg; ?> </span>

    <span class="delete_button"><a href="#" id="<?php echo $msg_id; ?>" class="delete_update">X</a></span>

    <?php } ?>

  56. hi tnkx for this apps but i dont recive de link for downloading the apps
    please send me the link ;)

  57. thank you!! i have now a wall per user with profile picture the only thing im missing is security settings and time of posting on the post!!

    this script is great!

  58. thank you for the script

  59. thx srinivas for the good script,
    but is it possible to but & (and) inside the wall? i think no ... becouse urldecode urlencode ... can you show how i can transform the & to and befor i give it to mysql?! thx very much, or an other person. thx

  60. sorry now i see that my comment is shown if your check it ... sorry

  61. Franz, i wold help you out but i have no idea what u are asking... lol

  62. i mean, if you are check the demo
    and you want to write a text for example:

    "hi all, i cant write a & and this text is away. awaaaaayyyy"

    and the text after the & is away.
    thx for helping :)

  63. Srinivas Tamada can you help me, please?!

  64. Srinivas Tamada...

    Why does the code not show posts from the db when page refreshes?


  65. Hi sri...I subscribed but unable to download....
    please send me code files.....Thxxx

  66. hi i have been you subsciber..but i confused with the facebook wall script..how i include the old update... my email [email protected]

  67. hi this is sravan can u see my site and help me www.multitude9.com

  68. good job, I'm waiting for the script :)

  69. Hi

    I have seen script , but do you have any feature like same textarea like facebook , google buzz with that same I can add photo , video and other links ?? If this is with you than it will be greate appricate for me with this code..

    Thanks in advance , waiting for your reply.

    Vishal Shah

  70. Forgot to attach my email , that's [email protected], thanks!

  71. hello,

    why does when i post comments when it goes down normal height of page ( when u post alot comment )

    and i press delete it goes to top and not stay on same spot as down?

  72. Hi i love your app and your scripts. I was wondering how to get this to work with the database. Does this version require making a new db.php as well as a new database or will it work with the db.php file from your other tutorials? If it does need a new database, could you provide me with the code? I have very little experience and making them. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  73. Hi, love your script!! I just subscribed but not able to download it. I really appreciate if you send it to s1lverain at hotmail dot com.

  74. Hi. I´m suscribed yet but I don´t receive it.
    I sent a mail to you.
    The script is incredible. Thanks

  75. can you send me the script plz?

    im a new suscriber

    thnx in advance

  76. it "die" when the messages contain '

    e.g 'hello' will cause error message, how could i fix it?

  77. I can help with some of these issues. I fixed them on another version of this script. Only need the new version. Haven't seen it in email as of yet.

  78. need a bit of help with comments got messages to show fine but when i try to get the comments for each message to show it shows each message with a single comment then repeats the message with the next comment and so on rather than all of comments under the message please help sorry if i didnt explain that very well

  79. Hi great script but how do you show comments as well as messages

  80. very good script

  81. I can post empty message , using a new paragrapf .
    How to fix that ?

  82. How do I download the script?

  83. ugghh...I'm late pls send me e-mail THIS SCRIPT

  84. Nice script...

    but why u not share it my brother??


  85. I have slightly modified version of the application, I updated a bit to add news and comments in the database and is not cleared when the page loads, I also added the application of only seeing the beginning to a maximum of two comments news, I changed a bit the structure should be downloaded from here: http://www.getvay.com/pg/file/macs1407/read/1712/wallfacebook-10

  86. You can see a preview of the application here: http://www.getvay.com/WallFacebook/index.php

  87. @maikol
    Kindly translate your script into English... your writing skill are good, so please do it...

    I am your subscriber but how I can download the script.

  88. when you write a lot of words......it doesn´t work because the words is under another words

  89. i cont be able to enter html as is. e.g. hello shows status message in bold. i want able to print "hello" without quote

  90. this is a really blog! man u're awsome in yor job! really like it! i'm trying to perfect my site via yor example great thx man

  91. I need a bit of help with comments got messages to show fine but when i try to get the comments for each message to show it shows each message with a single comment then repeats the message with the next comment and so on rather than all of comments under the message please help sorry if i didnt explain that very well

  92. garsias por sus post

  93. I was wondering how to get this to work with the database. Does this version require making a new db.php as well as a new database or will it work with the db.php file from your other tutorials? If it does need a new database, could you provide me with the code? I have very little experience and making them. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  94. Good script !

    please send script to me @ [email protected]

    Thank you very much

  95. Hey this code is great. How do I get the old comments to appear when the page refreshes.

  96. Hi Srinivas really nice work!!

    Greetings from Mexico, can i get a copy of your source code I am your subscriber but how I can download the script.

    [email protected]

    Best Regards!

  97. I love all the tutorials and the elegance that they have. I really need someone to help me convert the "tolink.php" file so that it doesnot use the eregi_replace function but uses the preg_match!!!

    Thanks a lot!
    Angelos (GR)

  98. Hi All
    First of all thanks for the code to get me started.
    I have modified the wall post system, ... a lot
    Now supports users with sessions and IP's
    And a few other things.
    The original PHP code is very sloppy
    (though im no expert not by a long shot)
    I will post the changes with all the source code sometime this week.
    You can view the live demo here.
    Regards Talon

  99. does anybody have a definate answer to solve the problem with the posts not showing after the page has been refreshed?

    I know i need to echo them back from the database - but i dont know how to

  100. Hello, this is really great. but how can i get this files?

  101. 1. I typed a url address starting with http:// but the comment is not visible appearing as a link, which happens in facebook. how do I achieve it?

    2. I also wanted to know if the below is possible.... I have a url of am image and similarly url of a video.. so now If I type that url what should happen is that it should show me the image or the video directly after I hit the button update.... is this possible and what should I do for the same.

    Can you please guide on this

  102. hey I was wondering how do you show comments associated to old post because i got the old post showing after refresh I was just wondering how to show the comments... ??

  103. Hey Srinivas, the demo isn't working anymore. Will you update it please?

  104. @Sanket

    Updated version


  105. Srinivas Tamada,

    Do you happen to have a copy of the original version set-up to "reload" (after page refresh) from the database all previous posts and comments? I have a test version of the original coding working the way I want, except when I "reload" or click to refresh the browser page, I can't seem to get the "add another comment" box to display properly after the last comment read from the database. I just didn't want to try upgrading to the newer version yet, unless "reload" is impossible in the original version.

    I really like the easy of use coding from the original version, very easy to follow and understand.

    Any guidance would be appreciated.


  106. thank you but it doesnt run in microsoft i.e :(

    [email protected]

  107. oh sorry it is running (= ...
    [email protected]

  108. hey, thanks for the script.
    but when I run the script, it shows this error:
    "Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in tolink.php in line 6".
    Please help me to fix this error.
    Thanks in advance.

  109. Do u have GITHUB srinu

  110. You are just awesome... Glad to learn from your blog

  111. Hello,
    You blogs are so useful and handy to work on.

    I have been subscribed user and still i am not able to download the above script

    can u mail me the code: arun[dot][email protected]

  112. for (var i=0;i<10;i++)
    $('#content').val('I can create comments using for loop in a console');
    }, 100);

  113. but when I run the script, it shows this error:
    "Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in tolink.php in line 6".
    Please help me to fix this error.
    Thanks in advance.

  114. hey, thanks for the script.
    but when I run the script, it shows this error:
    "Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in tolink.php in line 6".
    Please help me to fix this error.
    Thanks in advance.


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