Facebook Wall Script 3.0 with PHP and Jquery
Wall Script
Wall Script
Monday, May 16, 2011

Facebook Wall Script 3.0 with PHP and Jquery

Facebook wall script with expanding URLs one of the popular post on 9lessons. It is just collaboration of my previous jquery articles. Recent days I received lots of requests from my readers that asked to me how to display old updates. So that I have decided to release new version with user control support. This script very easy to install few lines of code changes, take a quick look at following steps.

Facebook Wall Script 3.0 with PHP and Jquery

Download Script     Live Demo

Social Network System with React JS Part One

Angular JS Facebook Wall System with Multiple Bindings Tutorial

The download script contains three folders called includes,css and js with PHP files.
-- functions.php 
-- db.php //Database connection
-- wall.js 
-- jquery.oembed.js
-- jquery.min.js // 1.4.2 version
-- wall.css
index.php, load_messages.php, load_comments.php, message_ajax.php,comment_ajax.php, delete_message_ajax.php, delete_comment_ajax.php

Facebook wall script

Sample database design for Facebook wall script. Contains there tables users, messages and comments.
Users Database Design
Step 1
You have to create following tables otherwise find out wall.sql and execute SQL queries.

Contains user management details username, password, email and etc.
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`username` varchar(255) UNIQUE KEY,
`password` varchar(100),
`email` varchar(255) UNIQUE KEY

Contains messages/updates details messages, created, user and etc.
CREATE TABLE `messages` (
`message` varchar(255)
`uid_fk` int(11),
`ip` varchar(30),
`created` int(11),
FOREIGN KEY(uid_fk) REFERENCES users(uid)

Contains user management details username, password, email and etc.
CREATE TABLE `comments` (
`comment` varchar(255)
`msg_id_fk` int(11),
`uid_fk` int(11),
`ip` varchar(30),
`created` int(11),
FOREIGN KEY(uid_fk) REFERENCES users(uid),
FOREIGN KEY(msg_id_fk) REFERENCES messages(msg_id)

Step 2
MySQL database configuration settings.

You have to modify Host, Username and Password.
define('DB_SERVER', 'Host');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'User Name');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'Password');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'Database');
$connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error());
$database = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE) or die(mysql_error());

Step 3
Root file it includes javascript and css files such as Jquery 1.4.2, jquery.oembed.js, wall.js and wall.css. Note: Expanding URL oembed plugin works with Jquery 1.4.2 problem with Jquery higher versions.

Contains PHP and HTML code. Included db.php, functions.php, sessions.php and load_messages.php.
include_once 'includes/db.php';
include_once 'includes/functions.php';
include_once 'session.php';
$Wall = new Wall_Updates();
<link href="css/wall.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.oembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/wall.js"></script>
What's up?
<form method="post" action="">
<textarea cols="30" rows="4" name="update" id="update" maxlength="200" ></textarea>
<br />
<input type="submit" value=" Update " id="update_button" class="update_button"/>
<div id="content">
<?php include('load_messages.php'); ?>

Step 4
Session configuration.
User authentication success login.php should generate user id value as session.
$uid=$_SESSION['user_id']; // In demo $uid=1

Step 5
Final step if you want to add new functionalities just modify functions.php
CSS design: Status Message Design with CSS

Contains PHP code.
class Wall_Updates
// Updates
public function Updates($uid)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT M.msg_id, M.uid_fk, M.message, M.created, U.username FROM messages M, users U  WHERE M.uid_fk=U.uid and M.uid_fk='$uid' order by M.msg_id desc ") or die(mysql_error());
return $data;
public function Comments($msg_id)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT C.com_id, C.uid_fk, C.comment, C.created, U.username FROM comments C, users U WHERE C.uid_fk=U.uid and C.msg_id_fk='$msg_id' order by C.com_id asc ") or die(mysql_error());
return $data;
//Avatar Image
public function Gravatar($uid)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM `users` WHERE uid='$uid'") or die(mysql_error());
$lowercase = strtolower($email);
$imagecode = md5( $lowercase );
return $data;
return $data;
//Insert Update
public function Insert_Update($uid, $update)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT msg_id,message FROM `messages` WHERE uid_fk='$uid' order by msg_id desc limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if ($update!=$result['message'])
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `messages` (message, uid_fk, ip,created) VALUES ('$update', '$uid', '$ip','$time')") or die(mysql_error());
$newquery = mysql_query("SELECT M.msg_id, M.uid_fk, M.message, M.created, U.username FROM messages M, users U where M.uid_fk=U.uid and M.uid_fk='$uid' order by M.msg_id desc limit 1 ");
$result = mysql_fetch_array($newquery);
return $result;
return false;
//Delete update
public function Delete_Update($uid, $msg_id)
$query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE msg_id_fk = '$msg_id' ") or die(mysql_error());
$query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `messages` WHERE msg_id = '$msg_id' and uid_fk='$uid'") or die(mysql_error());
return true;
//Insert Comments
public function Insert_Comment($uid,$msg_id,$comment)
$query = mysql_query("SELECT com_id,comment FROM `comments` WHERE uid_fk='$uid' and msg_id_fk='$msg_id' order by com_id desc limit 1 ") or die(mysql_error());
$result = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if ($comment!=$result['comment'])
$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `comments` (comment, uid_fk,msg_id_fk,ip,created) VALUES ('$comment', '$uid','$msg_id', '$ip','$time')") or die(mysql_error());
$newquery = mysql_query("SELECT C.com_id, C.uid_fk, C.comment, C.msg_id_fk, C.created, U.username FROM comments C, users U where C.uid_fk=U.uid and C.uid_fk='$uid' and C.msg_id_fk='$msg_id' order by C.com_id desc limit 1 ");
$result = mysql_fetch_array($newquery);
return $result;
return false;
//Delete Comments
public function Delete_Comment($uid, $com_id)
$query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `comments` WHERE uid_fk='$uid' and com_id='$com_id'") or die(mysql_error());
return true;

Collaboration of Previous post.
Live Update and Delete Records with Animation Effect using Jquery and Ajax
Facebook like multi Toggle Comment Box with jQuery and PHP
Submit multiple forms with jQuery and Ajax
Delete Records with Random Animation Effect using jQuery and Ajax

How to add new function/method.
For example if you want to get image path value. Just include the following function inside class Wall_Updates{}. Alter table users add image_path text;
public function Image_Path($uid)
$result = mysql_query("SELECT image_path FROM users WHERE uid = $uid");
$user_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo $user_data['image_path'];

Display image paht value.
$Wall = new Wall_Updates();
echo "<img src='$image'/>"

Installation Video

Note: New subscribers email data update every 18 hours
web notification


  1. This is amazing! Wow really liked it.

  2. amazing, but i think than the comments schema on database must be comment text

  3. Really great work.... But can you help me with a php version problem. I am using php 5.3 and I get the "Function eregi_replace() is deprecated
    "error. Please can you update the toLink function with the preg_replace.?

    Thanks a lot mate for your really nice and ellegant work.. Keep up!

  4. download is not working it is going to the tutorial. also why is there no facebook connect for the comments on this site?

  5. Srivas, ur the MAN!

  6. Subscriber emails update every 18 hours.

    Why no facebook connect for comments?

    9lessons.info powered by blogger

  7. Good Tutor Srinivas. Its amazing. I like it.
    Im very very thank to you

  8. Great but what about add pictures with a lightbox ????

  9. Salam,..
    how to add notifications to the email,...

  10. Excelente hermano, mil y mil gracias.

  11. Hay,
    Thats really usefull ;)

  12. God Bless you.....

  13. Table Messages: COMMA MISSED LINE 3
    Table Comments: COMMA MISSED LINE 3

    What do you mean by "... how to display old updates."? Because i didnt find anything related about in this script

    Good tutorial! Greetings.

  14. Hello, this post it's really great.
    How can I do to refresh the wall, I mean to make a new comment show automatically while the user has opened its wall? Take care.

  15. Hi Everyone ,
    I would like to implement Parent Child relationship between html tables using Datatables plugin and php.

    Could u show me one example how to implement with php and jquery plugin.

  16. Hi evryone,

    How to select an image(blob) from the oracle database and how to insert an image into oracle database using php and jquery.

    Could u please give me a example.

  17. Very Nice Tutorial and i am proud of u that u r indian

  18. great tutorial, can you make a version with voting system?

  19. anybody else encountered 'Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home/chiggo12/public_html/pwnedbookv4/includes/functions.php on line 10'


  20. FOREIGN KEY(uid_fk) REFERENCES users(uid)
    this is not working

    I can use only primary key , unique key & index key plz help me

  21. @SmitDesai Create 'Users' tables first

  22. Note for anybody who may be struggling with this like i was..This is written in PHP5. You must be using PHP5 for this to work.

  23. Hello, this post it's really great.
    How can I do to refresh the wall, I mean to make a new comment show automatically while the user has opened its wall? Take care.

  24. i have uploaded script to my site and changed the db files as explained. The box to insert a message is displayed and messages are stored in my database but not on the page.

    Anybody know why?

  25. Thanx for your previous help

    I create all table & given correct locations

    but now I get error on index page as below

    php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known.

  26. hi,nice tutorial...
    Is it possible to combine your Collapsed Comments funtion to this.
    Mind to add it to this tutorial??...
    Thankx in advance.

  27. @Smit

    May be problem with $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; meanwhile just disable this line.

  28. sorry but same error again

    php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known.

    I removed $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    line which is twice in function.php

    & yes i would like to tell i upload all this file in zymic.com

    is there problem in server ?

  29. Wow.Its really wonderful script on php.This blog really helps visitors understand face wall script.I must appreciate your efforts.

  30. @Sam

    Collapsed Comments


  31. Download CSS update replace following css class on css/wall.css

    margin-left: 45px;
    min-height: 40px;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 3px;
    display: block;
    font-size: 11px;
    width: 340px;

  32. @Anonymous

    I think its because the page displays messages of either the demo user or logged-in users, so we would need to set a login form...
    Srinivas, is it necessary to login as a user to post? If so, how to implement that?

    Thanks for the tutorial!

  33. Hi! I visit your blog very often, but I didn't comment your posts until now. The scripts posted here are really great. I'm working with ASP.NET not PHP, and every script I found here is just a good guide to me to do that working in ASP.NET with jQuery of course. Great work, keep going on.

  34. Hello, how can I implement a automatic refresh like facebook? can you please do a tutorial? it would be really great. please.

  35. hi, how can i search with (select) the post from all my fiends (only) not the whole database in mysql to post in the wall..? if you know i really appreciate your help...
    you do great tutorials, keep going on.

  36. nice tutorial. planing to use in my social project

  37. Still having problems with messages and comments not being displayed when the pages is refreshed.

    Anybody else know a fix to this?

  38. hey sir..!!!
    I only want status update like that.. real time...

  39. Why when i put a link of youtube video is cok and in my downloaded code only shows the link?

  40. hey i know it is very easy .....but i'm dont know about mysql creating table , i download your script ..... and go doing what you say.. but i m getting this error msg : Table 'surban6_world.messages' doesn't exist where suraban6_world is my Mysql Username .. have any idea please help me ....

  41. I like this article. it is really nice.

  42. Respect for Srinivas, I really like your articles. Maybe it's nice to add a function like:

    add a title to the video you add, or text you add. Something like:

    I read here a book:
    - here the video / picture etc. -

  43. you says that create a table ~~ Actually i dont know about PHP ~ MySql ~ will you post new topic on creating table for user ~ Message ~ comment ?? i will be thankfull if you explain that briefly. please post that soon ....

  44. @Shuya

    Import wall.sql file using mysql administrator or PhpMyAdmin

  45. i try to import but it shows ErroR : MySQL said: Documentation
    #1046 - No database selected

  46. @Shuya Please try to learn at least basics.

  47. Hi, I have a little trouble with this script.
    At the time I click on the "update" button it doesn't update the messages, I mean, the message I wrote appears in the database but not on the wall, how can I fix it?

  48. Hello, how can I implement a automatic refresh like facebook? can you please do a tutorial? it would be really great. please.

  49. Srinivas,

    Can you provide a little more detail and how to set this up?

    I have created the tables, changed the database settings and uploaded the script.

    However, messages are not displayed when the page is refreshed.

    Also, in the database, it always shows the 'uid_fk' as '1' regardless of who is logged in and posted the messages.

    Your scripts are quality but a little more detail and support is required

  50. @Hopohiggo

    Have you modified $uid value at session.php

  51. Friends tonight I will release wall script installation screen-cast video.

  52. As always first class. This is one of my fav blogs. Thanks again!

  53. One thing I have noticed, it does fail on HTML validation. I've managed to modify the code and eliminate most of the errors however the code is repeating id's ($msg_id). Have you thought of how to get around this?

  54. @Bryn

    You have to add prefix for IDs. I feel private pages not required W3 validations and SEO standards

  55. @Srinivas
    I can`t seem to locate where you`ve defined that it only should load the current $Session user messages, and not all messages in the "messages" table.

  56. Hi Srinivas, great tutorial but could you add some details on modifying the javascript? I've had no issues with customising the php and database side but I want to let users put in a name and email before posting. But I can't figure out how to pass the extra variables through your javascript script.

  57. @Mark

    Please check my previous post. This is just collaboration of my old posts.

  58. @srinivas

    Thank you for posting the video and clarifying the installation process.

    I would like to ammend the script to show all messages. How can this be done?

  59. Hello, how can I implement an automatic refresh like facebook? can you please do a tutorial/add a javascript code for that? it would be really great. please.
    Thanks in advance.
    Superb tutorial.

  60. Excellent tutorial, thank you for sharing :)

  61. @srinivas

    can u help me? can u tell me what should i code in session.php? please =[

  62. I too am also having problems with the session.php

  63. Srinivas, facebook and twitter updates feed time auto. Can you make a tutorial on this.

    I am following your blog for a long time. You are doing a great work.

  64. Working nice but I have doubt

    1. I attach the whole thing with my register , login , logout , member page .
    2. It is working fine .
    3. As you told I changed session.php
    User authentication success login.php should generate user id value as session.php as

    $uid=$_SESSION['user_id']; // In demo $uid=1

    4. problem here is the member is not able to view or comment to the other members post ; will you help me solve this problem ?

    Thank you

  65. Hello,

    first of all thanks for sharing this awesome script.

    It works great but i would like to ask you some things.

    1) i want to make it work with TaskFreak users.
    i made it and i change the queries.
    But in session php i add

    $uid = $pDefaultUserId;
    where $pDefaultUserId is the user session id of logged user and after this i add a javascript alert of $pDefaultUserId to test it and on the alert i get the right id , but the comments and posts always getting user 0 .
    Do you know why is that happening ?
    if i add manually $uid 1 or 2 or anything else works great

    2) i cannot add greek characters , i tried utf8 database , making all files utf8 , i tried with setnames, urf8 on mysqlquery, but nothing

    3) when i add a video , i get the player like your demo , but after some visits on the page, or some refresh i'm not getting any more the player but only the link

    4) and finally , is there any pagination for the comments ?

  66. Srinivas are you for hire? i'd like to pay you to implement some of these scripts.

  67. @Smit

    Follow this tutorial my labs.9lessons database design


  68. Hello,

    first of all thanks for sharing this awesome script.

    It works great but i would like to ask you some things.

    1) i cannot add greek characters , i tried utf8 database , making all files utf8 , i tried with setnames, urf8 on mysqlquery, but nothing

    2) and finally , is there any pagination for the comments ?

  69. hi, it's a great script
    but is there a login script that i can use pleaz

  70. hello,
    it's a great tutorial is there a login script that i can use with facebook wall 3.0 pleaz

  71. Twitter and Facebook style load more results


  72. how to : PHP Login Page Example.



  73. i tried to use the more result script you make but i can't get it to work. I see with Firebug that i get response from ajax_more.php with the right results , but nothing appears to the main page .
    i add the script to the main index.
    i add the limit to the query on functions.php and the

    Any ideas ? Any guide on how to merge these two scripts ??

  74. I try to create the table with thats sentence:

    CREATE TABLE `messages` (
    `msg_id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
    `message` varchar(255)
    `uid_fk` int(11),
    `ip` varchar(30),
    `created` int(11),
    FOREIGN KEY(uid_fk) REFERENCES users(uid)

    but Mysql on Phpmyadmin dont let me create, mysql shows this error:

    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'uid_fk` int(11),
    `ip` varchar(30),
    `created` int(11),
    FOREIGN KEY(`uid_fk`) R' at line 4

  75. @Olber

    Execution tables order Users, Messages and finally Comments

  76. Thansk, the error was a "," after mesagge. Srinivas i cant download the files in zip, check the Url of download Script

  77. @Srinivas

    I have successfully installed this script, but the wall only shows posts of the logged in user.

    How can i change this to show all posts?

  78. @Hoponhiggo

    You have to chage the Updates function SQL statement. Read the following link


  79. BUG FIX:

    For the script to be a real facebook; from function.php on line 12 remove the words in double quotes below.

    "and M.uid_fk='$uid'"

    Leaving the words in the query results into seen your own posts (messages)

  80. Thankyou, this is really helpful.
    I have learn a lot form your script.

  81. What if I want to embed an image instead a video?

  82. I`ve implemented the script, and I`m experiencing a bug. When another user are adding a message, the youtube embed code disappear and the URL is only showing. Have someone located this bug in the code?

  83. I did. Because of this I'm trying to add "Facebook like url extractor" instead.

  84. @srinivas

    Could you please do a tutorial on how to implement a friends system to go with this script?

  85. The solution to my problem is to donwload the latest oembed release:
    and use this instead

  86. Hello guys, and Srinivas Tamada, i have tried to implement this code and its working fine, the Updates are posting to the DB and are fetched back and displayed, My problem is here,

    var ID=$(this).attr("id");

    How can i make this id unique so that when i click on a "comment" link it opens commen_text_area for that update. Because now its opening for only one no matter the one you click. How do i make this "id" Unique for each update.

    I have tried
    a href='#' id='' title="comment"

    But its not working.
    Please help.

    [email protected]

  87. Srinivas Tamada I love this script, i have modified to my needs except one issue... i need it to let people make longer posts i have altered the database, but i can't find where in the script that it shortens user input.


  88. Im sorry about my last post, it is actually only removing part of the links, I can post as much text if I want, if it is a link it takes out everything past & and the & sign... I have set up a simple form using the same database and the same tolink function, and it stores the information correctly. I also added a field image link, it works as long as there aren't any "special characters" in it, but if there is, it removes it and everything past it... thanks for any advice...judy

  89. heh ;)
    Great work u did. I modified it my way, but it's not parsing anymore.
    Could you explain this, how it's parsing links etc., i need to understand it, that would be more than nice :))

    Thank you.

  90. Ok there's bug with oembed.
    If I post some link it's parsing, and if I then post some text the link before will not be parsed :/

    Any Fixxing Ideas??

  91. i got problem with Arabic it look hebro

  92. Hi when i click the download button it opens demo page
    plz update it

  93. @Usman

    Download button available header right top.

  94. Hello is giving the script error how to solve this special character to follow the tutorial but the error message continued when I add that has "dog" = "Ã § Ã £ o"? will be error UTF8

  95. Hi, Your wall script is amazing...

    Now the problem is i have a table called friends list with fields, id, user_id, rel_id(relation id).

    Now i want to integrate friends message to my wall.. How to do that?

    Thanks in advance

  96. Nice work you have a great mind.........nice work.

  97. how to do multy sessions

  98. How to creat pagination for the comments?

  99. can I split this script between 'form input' with 'load_message.php' in the different file?
    (sorry my english too bad)

  100. I have followed whatever u have said...there is no error in the database..bt wenevr i type and press the update button..nothing is displayed on my wall..please help me with the same...

  101. Hi, I dont download the script, no email found subscribe below but I subscribe here! what happend please....

  102. how would i add an image upload to your script?

  103. good excuse.
    Your script is very good thank you ... but I want to make is that registered users to leave comments on any page you place the application for comment.

    Understood to be done through sessions but not to start. I could help with that thanks to research or have an idea where to begin because I'm new to php

  104. Hola saludos de peru.
    gracias por el post es muy bueno!!
    ahora mi pregunta disculpa mi ingles no es muy bueno.
    1. How I do for anyone to see the comments left byusers.
    2. that users do identify to leave your comment
    but that the comments look for all, not only for one users. like this comment box. thanks

  105. Hi!

    Something is wrong with oembed?

    If another post doesnt contain link to video all others post with oembed wont show. Just a link.

  106. The download link is bringing me back to the demo. Is there any download link ?

  107. sir ihave small peoblem with facebook wall sript...i created login and register page sir...but i could not generate the session id..please send me login.php to generate session id to wall.php...
    thank you

  108. hello,
    how to create a page with all users?

  109. Hi!
    My error the character coding.

    Wrong character: áéűúó
    This i get: áéűúó

  110. GREAT WORK!!
    How can I add the code for the http://www.9lessons.info/2009/12/display-collapsed-comments-like.html to the facebook script. A updated version with that would be nice.

  111. Hi,

    Great script and job done!
    How can you remake this script so that only users of a certain group can display/add post to th group facebook wall? So FB authentication and connection is needed.

    Greeting from cold Belgium :-)

  112. Hello buddy. great tutorial... one more thing though... I am using an array to hold all the users friends. for example

    1, 45, 27, 17, 29, 93

    the array is the id of the members... now when I want to only show the status messages for the peoples friends... how can I make the sql match against the array will i have to do another for each ? please give me an example code thanks buddie :)

  113. Thanks for this great tutorials.I looking for that tutorials for my site.Thanks again.

  114. I need to support with thai mysql
    Help me pls..

  115. thanks but where i get wall.js?

  116. is there any way to limit the comment count?

  117. hey Srinivas.
    please help me! i need to made an include in the function file, but i can't when i do it over class it can't find it, and if i do it under public function it still dont work, where can i put a include php in the function file so it works?

  118. Very nice! is it possible to add "view all" comments if there are more than 10 comments???

  119. This script is really super. Tried somebody to put it in a active site, not blog, which have already members? I tried but i have problems with connection to data base . You can advice me Srinivas.Indeesd you are very smart . Sorry for my bad english . You can help me pls ? I put on my site it,s work the script very well and it,s very nice but i have problem with the data base .It,s normal i must make other tables for conections . Ty in advance Dr Srinivas .

  120. Hi
    I have download the script but it's not working because that is the FAQ your sql query when execute then raised a error and when any users come to download the files then you did not provide the full script

  121. hi srinivash here is some problem in script, because when we post a new text comment over the youtube or any video link, then video link didnt work.

  122. hi Srinivas I have problem character " áéűúó "

  123. Coming week I'm going to release version 4.0

  124. Finally :D
    I hope it will support pagination

  125. where is load_message.php?

  126. hello thanks for the grt work . i have been using your version 3.0 and now u gonna release version 4.0 please can u also release update from 3.0 to 4.0 so that is easy for people to upgrade the script. thanks frnd

  127. hey its working fine but how to post comment as a diff. user ???

  128. hey how to post comment as a diff. user

  129. hello Srinivas Tamada ,
    I download the code from the tutorial , it works fine in chrome, but problematic in firefiox6. The comment text of the messages is below the writer's picture. But when i view your online demo, everything works well. Is there any difference between your demo code and the download code?


  130. I'm waiting for version 4 :D :D
    Will support greek characters ?
    Show more button on bottom of comments ?
    Like ?
    Tell us what new :D :D

  131. sir i their is no email update there...whenever i try to download script....plz help...

  132. yeah :( where is it ? :'(

  133. I have signed up and trying to download bit it tells me I am not signed up


  134. Sorry but the videos of youtube, i cant insert, can you help me...please
    erick.fix @ hotmail.com

  135. Youtube api updated. We have to update our jquery.oembed.js plugin.

  136. also is version 4 coming out soon? thanks for this great script btw, i have learn't loads on your site!

  137. Facebook Wall Script 4.0 commercial version.

  138. will 4.0 have "load more" and paging, how much will it be and how long before release? Thanks

  139. Wall Script 4.0 can deploy my site and database? or just for blog is Srinivas? I can use for all my users from my site? Tanks in advance

  140. if i use facebook accound,how can I?

  141. If I had a comment with "+1", the wall displays "1". The + disappears.

    Could someone help me to keep the + in my text ?


  142. Exelente, me encanta :D

  143. Hi Srinivas. I am a regular visitor of 9lessons. Please suggest me how do i add this wall script to a drupal 7 site. I want to show the facebook wallposts of the site owner on his website. How do i do that. Please suggest me

  144. hello frnd . thank u for such a nice script . can u plz tell me when u gonna release the version 4 of this script, i am very eager to buy it. thanks again

  145. when is version 4 gonna release??? plz can u tell this

  146. but today is 5th Oct and... :(
    I'm really curious to see version 4.0

  147. Cant wait until 3rd OCT! :)

  148. Today is 5th of october. I am eagerly waiting for that.

  149. what is the syntac highlighter that u are using?

  150. Wall Script 4.0 is UP


  151. why I have to buy wall script 4.0 if using wall script 3.0 and your posts I can create it easily by myself? :] ihihiiihi

  152. Where i can download this files : load_messages.php, load_comments.php, message_ajax.php,comment_ajax.php, delete_message_ajax.php, delete_comment_ajax.php

    Please help me

  153. for Wall Script 3,

    the videos of youtube.com, i cant insert, can you help me...please

    (Youtube api updated. We have to update our jquery.oembed.js plugin.)<- not working/no change

    [email protected]

  154. Hi I really liked this tutorial, I'm testing it because it seems very interesting, if all goes well I'd buy the 4.0 version. I've implemented without any problems, I have only one question, not how to make a user accesses the 'wall' of another user and leave your message or comment here.

    I thought of creating a 'wall_id' for each 'wall' has an identification number belonging to a particular user so you can access it and leave my message, do not know if this would be the best option. If it should not be variations in multiple files or simply change the 'index.php' would suffice. Can anyone guide me about it? Does version 4.0 details how to do this? Greetings

  155. Hi I really liked this tutorial, I'm testing it because it seems very interesting, if all goes well I'd buy the 4.0 version. I've implemented without any problems, I have only one question, not how to make a user accesses the 'wall' of another user and leave your message or comment here.

    I thought of creating a 'wall_id' for each 'wall' has an identification number belonging to a particular user so you can access it and leave my message, do not know if this would be the best option. If it should not be variations in multiple files or simply change the 'index.php' would suffice. Can anyone guide me about it? Does version 4.0 details how to do this? Greetings

  156. for Wall Script 3,

    the videos of youtube.com, i cant insert, can you help me...please

    (Youtube api updated. We have to update our jquery.oembed.js plugin.)<- not working/no change


    please can you help me

    [email protected]

  157. Deleting a post with images doesnt delete the images. How to?

  158. hey,
    the scripts are wonderful..how do i make the user see updates from other users???this is because each user is restricted to his/her comments...please help

  159. @shrivina I have integrated your script into mysite I think there is a bug with snapshot.
    When you access wall sometime you have to refresh the page several times before the webcam snapshots work. Do you know why this is happening? this even happens when script is standalone install.

  160. Hi srinivas?great work! How do i allow users to see other users comments and comment on them?

  161. Hi, this is a very good script, but how do i make it as dynamic users login for posting? as i have seem now it is only fixed to a user session and allow other users to actually comment them

  162. I have a problem, I use your script for the Russian theme and I need utf-8, but with a change in the tables does not change, and the output is not that necessary.
    If you change the message by hand to the table in Russian, it appears, as if to add to the wall for example, "Привет"("hello") prints "Ð ¿Ñ? Ð ¸ Ð ² ÐμÑ?" How to fix?

  163. Спасибо за сайт, Много всего полезного нашел для своей социальной сети. Жаль этот скрипт купить не могу. Вразработке

  164. Foreign Language fix.


  165. Could you please help us define the owner value for when users posts on friend's wall. I only found a reference in your post and didn't find a defined value.

  166. I suscribed to mail list of 9lessons.info and I can´t download the file, why?

  167. how to do pagination in my posts?

  168. I have been struggling with the sessions.php when i put a value like 1 it works fine but when i do like $uid=SESSION["user_id"] the uid_fk is zero and no comments or messages will be loaded could you please clarify on this?thanks

  169. is this real time?

  170. Hey Srinivas,
    Thanks for another great PHP tutorial. Your code is real clean.

    I had a question, when you reload the wall, why does it reload empty? I have set the user id to a session variable and it is storing in the database properly.

    Is there a way to make the wall display all posts every time?


  171. hello Srinivas,

    I have the same probleme with $uid

    they dont work can help me to fix the problem

  172. Hi Srinivas,

    great Script!!! Can you please update the subscribers email? Can't wait to get the whole Script :D.


  173. Hi!
    My error the character coding.

    Wrong character: õüäö
    This i get: õüäö

  174. I signed up for your infomercials a day ago but i still cant download the wall script. can you plz help me with that?....love ur work btw!!

  175. Hey, can someone please tell me why i cant download scripts even though i registered a day back? :( help.

  176. hey Srinivas Tamada! russian and romanian don`t work in your script, why? i change the db charset, but the russian and romanian don`t work, how to fix it?

  177. i need .zip to version 3.0.! its free ?

  178. please how do i create a sign in and signup script for this plugin

  179. Hiii Srinivas
    Thanks for another great PHP tutorial. Your code is real clean

  180. I thought this script will post on Facebook wall...but it doesn't
    I was looking for a Facebook sharer


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