9lessons Programming Blog - Tutorials about Angular, ReactJS, PHP, MySQL and Web Development
Showing posts with label angularjs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angularjs. Show all posts
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ionic 3 and Angular 4: PHP Restful API User Authentication for Login and Signup.

Here is the continued article on my previous post for creating a welcome page with login and logout. Today’s post explains how to implement login authentication system for your AngularJS applications. It will show you how to log in with a user and store the user session, so it deals with token based authentication. Since we are using token based authentication, it protects if any unauthorized request is made and notices for a new login if required. This makes your application’s authentication to be more secured compared with any other authentication system. Every user details will be stored in an external database and a PHP based API is used in the backend for handling this authentication. Hope you’ll find it more easily using this as your authentication system in your AngularJS projects. Let’s look into the live demo and follow the below code.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Login and Signup with PHP Restful API.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

Most of the mobile applications starts with welcome page with login and signup buttons. A proper login or signup redirects to application home page and there you can navigate to different pages and finally you can end up with a logout action. Today’s tutorial is all about this. Here I am using AngularJS 4 and Ionic 3. The combination of AngularJS and Ionic in handling login is a straight forward process. This design is already explained in my previous posts using ReactJS navigations. Lets see how to set a starting page using Ionic 3 and AngularJS4 and learn basic understanding of how the navigation works.

Ionic 3 and Angular 4:Create a Welcome Page with Login and Logout.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Ionic 3 and Angular 4: Working with Signature Pad.

This tutorial explains how to upgrade to Ionic 3 and Angular 4 and how to use signature pad for your application. If you are working with some agreement related project or something which needs some written proof from the customers, we might in need of a signature pad. The combination of Ionic 3 and Angular 4 provides some better features to achieve signature pad. This will allow you to sign/draw something on the application and save that image as data on the screen. Using this tutorial, you can also make a signature pad with Ionic 2 and Angular 3. Why late? Let’s start this small, but most commonly used task in your application.

Ionic 2 and Angular 2: Using the Native Camera

Friday, April 07, 2017

Ionic 3 and Angular 2: Using the Native Camera, Take Multiple Photos with Delete Action.

Are you searching for easy camera access for taking multiple pictures in your mobile application? Then here is the post explaining on how to access camera and take pictures. In most recent days, this is achieved easily with the combination of Ionic framework and AngularJS. We have already discussed in my previous article, how easy it is to use pre-built it in components of Ionic with AngularJS and build awesome mobile apps. Today’s article explains Cordova plugin provided by Ionic framework to access camera , take picture and see the output. The most exciting thing about this article is, it explains you to upload multiple images you take in camera. Let’s follow the article and also the video tutorial on this.

Ionic 2 and Angular 2: Using the Native Camera

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Angular Firebase Facebook, Google, Github and Twitter Login - Part 2

This article is the continuation of previous post Create an Angular 2 CLI App with Firebase Social Authentication. This post further explains the authentication feature for your Angular CLI application using Firebase. AngularFire is the library used for this. In addition to this, we require some Angular providers called sign-in providers to use Firebase Authentication feature. This article explains Facebook, Google and Twitter authentication to log in with our users. Follow the demo and article to install and setup AngularFire library and build your angular web application with an easy and perfect login authentication. Also, the article explains how to redirect to home page from other pages and vice-versa.

Create RESTful API NodeJS Mysql

Monday, February 27, 2017

Create an Angular 2 CLI App with Firebase Social Authentication Facebook, Google, Github and Twitter

There is a lot of fun in building an AngularJS application and after you finish the application, for others to see your application you will need to deploy the project on some web server such as NodeJS, Amazon AWS, Heroku,etc,. But, this requires a long procedure for the deployment and sometimes it can even be expensive. Google provides free Firebase for deploying AngularJS projects. Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure static hosting for your web app. This Hosting also provides social login authentication and gives your project a subdomain for deploying. for Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Create RESTful API NodeJS Mysql

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ionic 2 Mobile App using Angular 2 and TypeScript Tutorial

Ionic is an open-source front-end SDK framework made for building hybrid mobile apps on cross platforms. Ionic is used for developing hybrid mobile apps using web technologies like HTML 5, CSS, Cordova and Sass, it is made of AngularJS 2. Both ionic and AngularJS provides some pre- built in components, which allows us to easily develop mobile apps. Here is the demo for creating mobile app using AngularJS and typescript on ionic V2 framework. The demo used here is my 9lessons.info blog as a mobile app. Follow this tutorial to easily build mobile app.

Ionic Angular 2 typscript tutorial

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Angular JS Facebook Wall System with Multiple Bindings Tutorial

Today, I am here to introduce a new Advanced Javascript series in 9Lessons.info. Basically, I love wall system because we can cover multiple operations or features in a single web page. 9Lessons.info is most popular for its articles designed on wall system. This article is based on this wall system concept using Angular js 1.4. Future posts will be on the same concept where I will be introducing ReactJS and AngularJS 2 to 9Lessons.info. Below is the demo and hope you all enjoy this new series

Ad Blocker Detector for Blogger with JavaScript

Monday, September 16, 2013

AngularJS Tutorial Two Way Data Binding

This post is the continuation of my previous AngularJS tutorial, I had explained JSON parsing using AngularJS. In this we are going to explain how to do two way data binding with Angular JS. Data binding is the most useful feature in AngularJS, It will help you to save from writing a lots of regular code.

AngularJS Tutorial.

Monday, August 19, 2013

AngularJS Tutorial RESTful JSON Parsing

Last some days I have been working with AngularJS, it is a Javascript MVC framework created by Google. Now Angular.js is my personal favorite framework to build better architecture web projects, especially for RESTful web services. It improves HTML with new attributes and expressions in order to define powerful templates directly in your HTML page.

AngularJS Tutorial.

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