9lessons Programming Blog - Tutorials about Angular, ReactJS, PHP, MySQL and Web Development
Showing posts with label routing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routing. Show all posts
Monday, March 04, 2019

Angular Dynamic Routes for User Profiles

Are you working with social applications and user profiles? This post is about implementing dynamic routes for Angular application with basic route validations. This article is a part of Angular routing series for better understanding, please check my previous articles. Here you find importing the dynamic route value and validating with a regular expression for protecting the application routes.

Angular Dynamic Routes for user profiles

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Angular Route Guards with Child Components

This is a continuation of my previous article Angular Lazy Load Routing using Route Guards. We covered the part to create different routes with menu design and generating child components. This post is about connecting the child routes with actual Angular authenticated guards and understanding the router linking with preventing route access. Take a quick look at the video for more information, hopefully I will continue this series go forward.

Angular  Route Guards with Child Components

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Angular Routing using Route Guards

Angular command line comes with excellent features which are helpful for generating new components, guards and services etc. I personally like the route guards, the way handling user authentication system. Let’s take a look the post that how to implement Angular lazy loading routing using route guards authentication to protect the application URLs. I am planning to split this article into multiple parts to explain it to better way.

Angular Lazy Load Routing with Route Guards Structure

Monday, October 23, 2017

React JS and PHP Restful API User Authentication for Login and Signup.

Here is the continued article on my previous post for creating a welcome with login and logout using ReactJS. Today’s post explains how to implement login authentication system for your React JS applications. It will show you how to log in with a user and store the user session, so it deals with token-based authentication. Since we are using token-based authentication, it protects if any unauthorized request is made and notices for a new login if required. This makes your application’s authentication to be more secure compared with any other authentication system. Every user details will be stored in an external database and a PHP based API is used in the backend for handling this authentication. Hope you’ll find it more easily using this as your authentication system in your ReactJS projects. Let’s look into the live demo and follow the below code.

React JS and PHP Restful API User Authentication for Login and Signup.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

ReactJS Welcome Page with Routing Tutorial

Days back, I have posted an article on how to create a welcome page with proper login and logout using Ionic 3 and Angular 4. Today’s article is to create the same welcome page with ReactJS and ES 6. The article is about how to login/signup to get inside the application home page, you can navigate to different pages and finally you end up with a logout action. Lets see how to set a starting page with navigations using ReactJS and ES 6.

Video Tutorial: ReactJS Welcome Page with Routing Tutorial

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