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Showing posts with label Image. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Image. Show all posts
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Block Uploads of Adult or Nude Images using PHP.

I found an interesting and useful class file in phpclasses.org, that helps to detect image nudity based on skin pixel score developed by Bakr Alsharif from Egypt. I had integrated this with my previous tutorial Ajax image upload with Jquery and PHP, sure this code helps you to block adult or nudity images.

Block Uploads of Adult or Nude Images using PHP.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ajax Select and Upload Multiple Images with Jquery

Very few days back I had posted an article about Multiple ajax image upload without refreshing the page using jquery and PHP. In this post I have updated few lines of code that allows to user can select and upload multiple images in single shot, thanks to Lakshmi Maddukuri for sending me a useful piece of code. Just take a quick look this live demo.

Multiple Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery and PHP.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Multiple Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery.

Today I am presenting the most important social networking feature called multiple ajax image upload without refreshing the page using jquery and PHP. We just modified few lines of code in jqery.form.js plugin and renamed that to jquery.wallform.js. This feature is one of the key feature in Wall Script sale, big thanks to Arun Sekar for this code trick.

Multiple Ajax Image Upload without Refreshing Page using Jquery and PHP.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Free Better Images and Photos.

“Picture Speaks Thousand words”, this quote is so true to its words. I agree in total that a picture can give more information than that of words or paragraphs. The most interesting part of a picture is it does not need any language to interpret, one qualify with their eyes alone. When you are author of a blog or designer of website or social enthusiastic user you always are in hunt for Images.

Free Better Images and Photos.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

PHP Image and Text Watermark

We received many tutorial requests from 9lessons readers that asked how to generate watermark image using PHP. In this post Arun Kumar Sekar coded two functions such as watermark_text() and watermark_image() to generate text and images watermarks on images. Integrate this to your web project upload image system and produce copyright photos.

PHP Image Watermark
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Base64 Encoding for Images.

Base64 is an encoding format that represent binary data. Google new feature instant previews are in text format, here Google requesting images(screen shots) are in string format to reduce server load time. In this post I will show you how to make images to strings with PHP.

base64 for images
Monday, March 16, 2009

Upload and Resize an Image with PHP

Are you looking for image upload and Resize PHP script. I had implemented a simple PHP script to re-sizing image into different dimensions. It's very useful to your web projects to save hosting space and bandwidth to reduce the original image to compressed size.

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