9lessons Programming Blog - Tutorials about Angular, ReactJS, PHP, MySQL and Web Development
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Angular Firebase Facebook, Google, Github and Twitter Login - Part 2

This article is the continuation of previous post Create an Angular 2 CLI App with Firebase Social Authentication. This post further explains the authentication feature for your Angular CLI application using Firebase. AngularFire is the library used for this. In addition to this, we require some Angular providers called sign-in providers to use Firebase Authentication feature. This article explains Facebook, Google and Twitter authentication to log in with our users. Follow the demo and article to install and setup AngularFire library and build your angular web application with an easy and perfect login authentication. Also, the article explains how to redirect to home page from other pages and vice-versa.

Create RESTful API NodeJS Mysql

Monday, February 27, 2017

Create an Angular 2 CLI App with Firebase Social Authentication Facebook, Google, Github and Twitter

There is a lot of fun in building an AngularJS application and after you finish the application, for others to see your application you will need to deploy the project on some web server such as NodeJS, Amazon AWS, Heroku,etc,. But, this requires a long procedure for the deployment and sometimes it can even be expensive. Google provides free Firebase for deploying AngularJS projects. Firebase Hosting provides fast and secure static hosting for your web app. This Hosting also provides social login authentication and gives your project a subdomain for deploying. for Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Create RESTful API NodeJS Mysql

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Create a RESTful API using NodeJS and MySQL Database

These days, there are no projects that do not have a REST API for creating professional web services. REST ( Representational State Transfer) consists set of guidelines to build a web service, which can be used to modify or view specific information on the web without performing any server side operations. Using RESTful APIs saves huge amount of time. Twitter, Facebook, Google and thousands of companies use REST APIs. This is because REST is the most efficient and widespread standard in the creation of APIs for Internet services.

Create RESTful API NodeJS Mysql

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Activate Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

Anyone who wants to increase performance and security of your web page, I suggest to have Cloudflare setup in your DNS system. I have posted few articles to install paid SSL certificate for your web page, all which needs your complete support to maintain. But, Cloudflare provides free SSL certificates with a limited access (which is enough for any website) and it takes care most of the support that your web page needs. Most importantly, nowadays Google is providing better preferences for the web pages which has HTTPs as the protocol and more chances for your web page to appear on Google search.

Activate Free SSL Certificate for Your Website

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ionic 2 Mobile App using Angular 2 and TypeScript Tutorial

Ionic is an open-source front-end SDK framework made for building hybrid mobile apps on cross platforms. Ionic is used for developing hybrid mobile apps using web technologies like HTML 5, CSS, Cordova and Sass, it is made of AngularJS 2. Both ionic and AngularJS provides some pre- built in components, which allows us to easily develop mobile apps. Here is the demo for creating mobile app using AngularJS and typescript on ionic V2 framework. The demo used here is my 9lessons.info blog as a mobile app. Follow this tutorial to easily build mobile app.

Ionic Angular 2 typscript tutorial

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Install XAMPP 7.0 on Ubuntu and Mac OSx using Redis and Memcached Extensions

Now, it’s time to update your PHP web server. We had few vulnerabilities with previous versions like openSSL and others. PHP 7 is very fast, advanced and has improved execution time. XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment, it saves time and effort by providing easy way to install Apache-MySQL-PHP framework. This post helps you how to install XAMPP 7.0 with Redis and memcached extensions for Ubuntu and Mac operating systems. Follow the below steps to install XAMPP.

Display Browser Notifications from Web Application

Sunday, December 11, 2016

COMODO SSL Certificate Installation with A+ Rating

SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is must for any e-commerce or data based applications. Because, nowadays to run any social applications like Google or Facebook, SSL/HTTPS URL is must to get geo location or any map related stuff. Long time back, I have already discussed with the installation of SSL certificate. But, I missed few configuration settings to get A+ rating for the website. A+ rating helps in standard approval for the website to work smoothly in all and any platform.

COMODO SSL Certificate Installation A+ Rating.

Monday, October 03, 2016

React Webpack Heroku Youtube Instant Search Working with APIs Tutorial

I already have discussed about React JS in my previous posts. Today, lets see advanced way of using React JS, webpack and ES6 with Node.js to build and run your application. Let’s see what webpack and ES6 does. ES6 (ECMAScript6) is the latest version of javascript that has number of new features to write your javascript code easily. Webpack is mainly designed for larger applications to build the application. The main idea behind webpack/ES6 is code splitting. It allows you to write Javascript as a modularized code, so that you can re-use and share the code to maintain your project over-time.

React Webpack Heroku Youtube Instant Search Tutorial

Sunday, August 28, 2016

FileGator: A Look into The Powerful PHP File Management Tool.

Forget the times of ‘There’s an app for that’, PHP scripts are now all the rage! Everyone wants to build their own little something special on the internet and mark their territory. With what we are witnessing on the internet front has been pretty moving and compelling enough to push us to try a few things ourselves. Thinking of file-sharing service for your friends, family, colleagues or business partners with all your rules? ‘There’s a script for that’!

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