In this post my friend explains about Decision Control Statements in C Language. In programming languages if statement is very useful for decision making.
About the Author
Prasadh Teppala
Embedded Engineer,
prasadel06 [at]
Prasadh Teppala
Embedded Engineer,
prasadel06 [at]
In program languages if statement is very useful for decision making.
In ‘C’ language the general format for an if statement is:
if ( condition )
Here sample statements will execute if and only if condition is true.{
Simple statement;
Simple statement;
Condition Means
1) Normally condition are made with the Relational operators and Logic operators
Relational Operators: > , >= , <, <= , ==, !=.
Logic Operators: &&, || , !
if ( i operator j )
One Statement:
One Statement:
If ( i operator j )
More statements;
Here operator means Relational Operators and Logic Operators.
Here i and j integers, float, characters. Here characters compared by using their ASCII values.
2) Condition is also any number.
int a; /* declaration of a */
If( a )
a = 10;
If we assign ‘0’ to the ‘a’ at the time of declaration , what is the value of the ‘a’ at the end of if block?
Ans: 0 only. 0 is always false.
If we assign ‘-1’ to the ‘a’ at the time of declaration, what is the value of the ‘a’ at the end of if block?
Ans: 10 only. Why Because -1 is true. Any Number other than 0 is always true. The number may be float, double or any.
3) Condition also assignment
int a = 5; /* declaration of a */
int a = 5; /* declaration of a */
a = 0;
Here what is the value of ‘a’? 5 or 0 or 10.If( a = 0 )
a = 10;
int a = 5; /* declaration of a */
a = 0;
If( a )
a = 10;
Ans: 0.
Initially ‘a’ was assigned with the 5.
Then in if statement ‘a’ assigned to 0. Therefore value of ‘a’ is 0. Now in place of condition 0 is there. According to the above point No: 2, 0 is always false, therefore the condition is false. The statements inside the ‘if’ block will not execute. There the value of ‘a’ is 0.
4) Condition containing expressions
int a = 4; /* declaration and initialization of a */
int b = 2; /* declaration and initialization of b */
Here first execute the expression a/b which results 2 then it will compare. Therefore ‘a’ value after ‘if’ block is 10. The expressions are of any type and any side of the b = 2; /* declaration and initialization of b */
If( a/b = = 2 )
a = 10;
Part 2: Decision Control Statements - Part 2
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