Angular Continuous Deployment to Firebase Hosting using CircleCI
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Monday, April 08, 2019

Angular Continuous Deployment to Firebase Hosting using CircleCI

Are you working with front-end applications like Angular, React, Vue etc. Doing the production deployment is the most boring part. Because we need to do many manual steps to perform like npm install, ng test, build etc. This post will explain to how to automate all of these steps with CircleCI pipeline. Just push you changes to GitHub repository, and CircleCi take care everything.

Angular Continuous Deployment to Firebase Hosting using CircleCI

Live Demo

Create an Angular Application
Install @angular/cli globally with latest nodeJS.
$ng new angular-circleci-firebase

Choose following options
? Would you like to add Angular routing? Yes
? Which stylesheet format would you like to use?
❯ SCSS [ ]
SASS [ ]
LESS [ ]
Stylus [ ]

Video Tutorial

Working with GIT
Nowadays GitHub and Bitbucket are offering private repositories for free accounts. Use the following steps for creating a new repository.

Create a New Repository
Create a new GIT repository

Back to the Code
$cd your-project-folder
$git init
$git add .
$git commit -m "first commit"
$git remote add origin
$git push -u origin master

Commit your Project Files
Angular  Route Guards with Child Components

GitHub Vulnerability Notification
Git will display the notification for package.json vulnerabilities.
Angular  Route Guards with Child Components

NPM Audit Fix
This will update the project package file with latest versions.
$npm audit fix

modified: package-lock.json
modified: package.json

Commit Audit Changes
$git add .
$git commit -m "Audit Fix Change"
$git push

Deploy to Firebase

First you need to create a project in Google Firebase, go to Google Firebase console and setup the project.
Create Firebase Project

Install Firebase Tools
Install Firebase tools globally.
$ sudo npm install -g firebase-tools

Configure Firebase
Now login Firebase with your Google account. This command will redirect to Google account login page.
$ firebase login

? Allow Firebase to collect anonymous CLI usage information? No

Visit this URL on any device to log in:

Waiting for authentication...

Success! Logged in as [email protected]

Initialize Firebase
Go to your angular2 project folder and execute following command.
firebase init

Choose your firebase project by clicking down arrow. If not just select choose default project.
Firebase initilization

Choose Hosting
Create Angular Cli Firebase

Setup Distribution Folder
Default publishing directory is "public", replace this with "dist"
? What do you want to use as your public directory? dist
? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? Yes
Wrote dist/index.html

i Writing configuration info to firebase.json...
i Writing project information to .firebaserc...

Firebase initialization complete!

This process will create .firebaserc initialization file.
Firebase configuration file

Modify the project code. You will find this in Firbase console.
Angular  Route Guards with Child Components

Production Build

Go to your project and modify the outputPath value to dist.
"outputPath": "dist/your-project-name"


"outputPath": "dist",

Use this command to build the final build, this will generate dist folder with all required packages.
$ ng build -prod

Firebase Push
$ firebase deploy

Firebase Build

Let's Configure CircleCI

Circle Login
Create a free account using GitHub or BitBucket account.
Circle Login

Add Projects
CircleCI will import all of your GitHub/Bitbucket projects. Click on Set Up Project button.
CircleCI Add project

Choose the Enviroment
Choose Linux as operating system with Node language.
Circle ci select project

Instructions for Pipeline Configuration
You have to create a .circleci folder with config.yml pipeline stages file.
Circle ci select project

Create a config.yml
Create a folder
Circle ci select project

CircleCI config.yml for Angular Project
You can add multiple stages using -run. Here npm install and npm run build are important command, ignored unit testing for this demos.
- image: 'circleci/node:8'
working_directory: ~/repo
- checkout
- restore_cache:
- 'v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}'
- v1-dependencies-
- run: 'npm install'
- save_cache:
- node_modules
key: 'v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}'
- run:
name: 'Build Project'
command: 'npm run build'
- run:
name: 'Deploy to Firebase Hosting'
command: './node_modules/.bin/firebase deploy --token=$FIREBASE_TOKEN

Pipeline with fail, when you hit the Start Building button. Because there are few steps pending to access firebase.
Circle ci select project

Generate Firebase Token
Go to your project folder and execute firbase login:ci. This will take you to the browser for Google authentication and redirect back to with Firebase token.
Circle ci select project

CircleCI Enviroment Variables
Select the project and click on the settings(gear) icon on top right. You will find the option for Enviroment Variable.
Circle ci select project

Add Enviroment Variable for Firbase
Create a variable with the name of FIREBASE_TOKEN, which is used in config.yml command for Firebase deploy. This is required for Firbase external access.
Circle ci select project

Add Firebase Tools as Dev Dependency
Go to project folder and execute the following command to update the package.json. CircleCI will use this firebase tool library for deployments.
$npm install -save-dev firebase-tools

Commit your Changes
$git add .
$git commit -m "CircleCi yml file"
$git push

Build Successful
Once the GitHub push happens, the pipeline automatically start the steps to deploy the changes on Firebase hosting. Now you will find the successful build.
Circle ci select project

Build for Master Branch
If you are working with multiple branches. Try to ignore develop branches.

Include branches and use only keep the master branch for building the pipeline for deployments.
- master
- dev
- image: 'circleci/node:8'
working_directory: ~/repo

- checkout
- restore_cache:
- 'v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}'
- v1-dependencies-
- run: 'npm install'
- save_cache:
- node_modules
key: 'v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}'
- run:
name: 'Build Project'
command: 'npm run build'
- run:
name: 'Deploy to Firebase Hosting'
command: './node_modules/.bin/firebase deploy --token=$FIREBASE_TOKEN'

Firbase Custom Domain

Start Hosting
Go to Firbase console and navigate Develop -> Hosting
Circle ci select project

Connect Domain
Add the domain and continue.
Circle ci select project

Modify A Records
Use these A records values in domain DNS settings.
Circle ci select project
web notification


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